Each customizable web sites is identified by a unique “Site Ownership Address”
Use one of the following “Site Ownership Address” formats.
Option A: Sub Domain
Option B: Server Directory
Note: Replace zozozoz with respective dealer ZO number.
To register your Site Name, visit http://wboil.com/Tjsynthetic/admin/account/
Create your business brand image with your own domain name and logo.
Once set up, WBoil.com will transform itself to function with your domain name and logo.
A dealer can operate any number of domain names and have
WBoil.com web engine run under it.
First you will need your own domain name.
Then refer to the appropriate set up instruction.
Domain Set Up Without Hosting Account
Domain Set Up With Hosting Account
Once you have your domain name registered. Log into your domain control panel and enable domain forwarding with masking.
This is a step by step instruction if you are using MasterDomainHosting.org:
Log into your MasterDomainHosting.org account and click on "Domain Manager" from the left menu. Now click on your domain name and then click on "Forward" icon to invoke "Forward and Mask Domains" window.
Now click on "Enable Forwarding", enter "http://zozozoz.wboil.com/" or
"http://site-name.wboil.com/" & select "301 Moved permanently" option.
Now click on "Masking" Tab and then click on "Enable masking" and fill out an appropriate title, description Meta tag and keyword Meta tag. Once completed click "OK" to submit changes.
Note: Like MasterDomainHosting.org, most domain registrars have forwarding and masking options free of cost. However, majority do not have the option to customize Meta tags like title, keyword and site description. These tags help promote search engine ranking thus receiving free traffic.
If you have a hosting plan, you can do the above steps via HTML code. This code can be in the root or any folder index page.
Site Root: www.YourDomain.com
Site Folder: www.YourDomain.com/newsite/
This option facilitates you to incorporate WBoil.com from within your existing web site.
HTML Code:
<title>AMSOIL Oil and AMSOIL Filter Products.</title>
<meta name="Keywords" content="amsoil oil, amsoil filter">
<meta name="Description" content="We offer amsoil oil, amsoil filter">
<frameset rows="100%,*" border="0">
<frame src="http://zozozoz.wboil.com/" frameborder="0" />
<frame frameborder="0" noresize />
Note: Replace zozozoz with the respective dealer ZO number or Site Name.
Update Title, Keyword and Description to fit desired objective.
WBoil.com also serves as a solution for dealers who already run established web sites. You can quickly integrate your old web site with your new WBoil.com web site by installing WBoil.com's AMSOIL product menu bar and or by placing direct links to specific pages to your new WBoil.com web site from your other dealer web site.
• Direct Linking Access is Available for ONE dealer web site.
• To Activate this Feature, First Input the Domain Name into the Dealer Profile.
STEP 1: Log in to your Web Admin account, open your profile by clicking on "Dealer & Site Settings" & "Update Dealer & Website Settings".
STEP 2: Once the profile loads, enter the domain name under the “Web” field and update profile.
This registers the dealer site / domain name in WBoil.com system.
Now place links from the registered dealer site to WBoil.com & WBoil.com will recognize the respective dealer and set site ownership accordingly.
With this feature you can offer services such as shipping information (wboil.com/ship) and links to product listing pages that may not be available in your old site.
When a user clicks through to WBoil.com, WBoil.com recognizes and sets its ownership automatically.
This linking can be from any page of the registered dealer web site to any page in WBoil.com. Site ownership has 365 days memory retention.
Convenience is Everything!
Direct linking feature from a dealer web site is available from any page to any page at WBoil.com. However integrating an existing dealer web site to contain 100's of product pages means copying and pasting individual product page URL's from WBoil.com.
Systematic Linking to Product Page Feature eliminates this daunting task by giving a Systematic Product Page Linking mechanism using AMSOIL Product Codes instead of the actual URL at WBoil.com.
Linking Example with Systematic Product Linking mechanism (SPL):
instead of
Note: Always check the URL for correct working. The above link from a registered dealer web site should SET SITE OWNERSHIP to the respective dealer and OUTPUT the correct AMSOIL product page.
Ordering Custom Logo:
Log in to your Web Admin account, click on "Dealer & Site Settings" & click on "Custom Logo & Domain Name" icon.
• A dealer can have only one custom logo at a time.
• The custom logo will load automatically instead of WBoil.com logo.
• Custom logo is also used in all the outgoing emails from CMS.
• Custom logo is also used in Fax Order Form instead of WBoil.com logo.
Custom Logo + Domain Features:
Once the custom logo order is processed and set up in your profile
the following features will become active.
Note: For the above features to work correctly the dealer's domain name must be added to the dealer's profile from your Web Admin account, under "Dealer & Site Settings".
All dealer web site will have to connect to amsoil.com to conduct business.
The major downside with amsoil.com is the lack of retaining referring dealer information.
In other words, when a dealer generates the traffic and passes on to amsoil.com, amsoil.com will retain the referring dealer information for that session only.
When the visitor closes the browser, the referring dealer info is gone.
If the visitor goes to amsoil.com and does business on a later time, that business goes to some randomly assigned dealer (a dealer that did nothing to generate that traffic).
On the other hand; WBoil.com has the technology to retain site ownership for 365 days! Enough time for the traffic to convert from researching to purchasing. This technology uses both client and server side ownership memory retention.
It is true that even WBoil.com will have to connect to amsoil.com at one point to do business, however there is a BIG difference at what stage the traffic is passed on to amsoil.com
You get a major conversion advantage with the professional platform offered by project WBoil.com.
WBoil.com is designed to retain traffic throughout the research process by offering all possible information for the online shopper. With WBoil.com the traffic gets forwarded to amsoil.com when the shopper’s buying stage matures from research to purchase.
Even when the traffic interacts with amsoil.com, your WBoil.com based web site is not forgotten, because your site offers more features & simplicity in navigation than amsoil.com
Therefore your traffic with WBoil.com is handled well to retaining and convert to dollars.
If you require more details and or options, contact support from within your CMS account. Click on "Help" to open the support window.
3 Easy ways to place your order now! | ||
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